An Annual Review

An Annual Review

11 August 2019 234 views

by the Youth Section in Argentina

“May we have the courage to be alone, and the bravery to risk being together.” Eduardo Galeano.

What does it mean to be human on Earth? What does Nature need from us? How can we grow inner silence, and learn to listen, speak and create? Can we be together? Where do we meet? What do we want to work together for? How can we be alone and together? These were some of the questions living this year within our group. We lived great shifting processes; people moving in and out, some moving to other countries or provinces, but still carrying inside the flame of our work. And many new and younger members approached and joined after each gathering we held.

This year's journey started with Autumn’s “Earth and Man” (“Tierra y Hombre”) where on the one hand, we explored how it is to be human through lectures about nature, sexuality, economy and more. On the other, we attended addresses by two of our members and daily inner path activities that embodied the processes of the gathering and gave an introductory insight of Anthroposophy’s inner exercises.

After this came the impulse of coming together with young people that are active with Anthroposophy in Buenos Aires. We held two meetings of what we called “Red de Jóvenes” (Youth Network). Some of our young friends from different areas (Agriculture, psychology, education, music, students, and more) met to discuss what we see as impulses of our generation within the Anthroposophical Movement, such as the need for a deeper scientific approach and less blind faith, and to keep creating gatherings and meetings where we can meet as an act of resistance. We also shared questions such as how can we change the fact that anthroposophy is sometimes lived as a privilege? How can we work age differences between youth in Anthroposophy and the Society members?

Finally, from the question "how can art fertilise our daily lives?" the idea for the gathering “Silence and Word” (Silencio y Palabra) sprung up. In this, we explored what it is to be silent in different ways, from a Goethean workshop, to having a whole morning in silence doing group and personal activities. There we found that there are many kinds of silence (silence together, silence alone, loud silence, receptive silence, etc.). Then we experienced how from silence can spring off music, poetry, theatre and all art itself.

And now we are willing to deepen in our study activities/groups, help to organise a meeting about threefold social order next April, continue with the “Youth Network”, work together with older generations in the Anthroposophical Society and be more active about environmental crisis issues.

By the Youth Section in Argentina