Section work around the world

Section work around the world

21 December 2023 1134 views

by Youth Section co-workers

At the beginning of December, the Goetheanum Youth Section organized a global call for members of affiliated youth groups and friends involved in anthroposophy and youth work. We opened the event with a dynamic way of getting to know each other by spontaneously answering 5 questions and leaving the answers visible in the chat room for all participants. In this way we gave voice to individuals who are part of active groups around the world and thus, by means of the individual experience, we were able to see the reflection of the global work.

Who are you?
Where are you?
Could you write a few sentences about your youth group?
Could you name 1-3 significant happenings in your youth group in 2023?
Can you share 1-3 exciting things coming up for your youth group coming up in 2024?

I’m Tania Prince. I am in Dornach, Switzerland.

Our group in New Zealand and Australia meet once every two weeks. We spend a lot of time catching up and talking about spiritual science, as well as organizing our initiatives, for example, our gathering which Nathaniel attended a few months ago. The last impulses we discussed included festival work and bringing anthroposophy to festivals or creating an anthroposophic-style festival gathering :)


I’m Jacob Hundt, Director of Thoreau College, Located in Viroqua, Wisconsin, about 40 KM East of the Mississippi River.

Thoreau College stages semester programs, short courses, fellowships, and residencies for young adults. We also held Steiner basic books study group this fall.

| Looking back |
Happenings at Thoreau College in 2023 -
1. Spring & Fall Gap Semester Programs,
2. Field School Program (May/June),
3. Viroqua Shakespeare Festival

| Looking forward |
Happenings at Thoreau College in 2024 -
1. Winter Program - The Organic Metaphor in Politics (Jan-Feb),
2. March Drama Intensive - The Art of Active Transformation
3. Field School Program (May/June),
4. Shakespeare Festival Program (June)
5. Metamorphosis Gap Semester (August-December)


I’m Nathaniel Willams, at the Goetheanum, in Dornach Switzerland.

I am working with youth groups, and youth projects around the world, which are interested in anthroposophy. This involves working with a team of young co-workers at the Goetheanum. We host meetings, studies, advise, travel, and write. I also work regularly with the leadership circle of the Goetheanum.

| Looking back |
Helping to host the CW gathering of 2023
Launching first Vodcast
Beginning small seminars on inner work at the Youth Section.

| Looking forward |
Developing a deeper understanding of digital v. analogue screen culture with new performance at February Days event
Creating a pageant puppet play for April of 2024
Creating a rich seminar series at the YS house at the Goetheanum (with the network).


I'm Amalia from Rome currently living in Switzerland to study Eurythmy..

It is a beautiful coincidence because today our Youth Section group has a meeting to imagine new ways, new forms for our work in the future.

| Looking back |
Previous meetings were on the following topics:
Give yourself a voice
Where do we come from? who are we? Where are we going?
Building new bridges
Gold in the human being
Man and the forces of the obstacle between Art and Consciousness
Spiritual science as an impulse for today's youth

The feedback in recent years has been very positive, the people who participated have created a community network, expanded and directed their interests into new fields.

| Looking forward |
Current questions:
How can the work for the bigger community start in the small community of co-workers?


I’m Noël Norbron, 19 y/o, from Germany. I am in Dornach in Switzerland.
I am working as a co-worker of the Youth Section on the realization of the International Students´ Conference 2024 (ISC24).

| Looking back |
Past: Frage! Begegne! Spiele!

| Looking forward |
Coming up: The International Students´ Conference 2024, February Days.


I’m Jacinta Gorchs, I live in Dornach, Switzerland.
I work for the Youth Section at the Goetheanum. I am glad to be a member of this movement that wants to foster real encounters, real initiatives, real experiences and meet real people. Thank you all for making this possible through your work! :)

| Looking back |

February Days 23, about studying and exploring Steiner’s indications on how to understand social life :)
The Co-workers’ gathering in June! On questions around the identity and intention of the Youth Section :)
In October: Question! Encounter! Play! The theatre project that brought together 40 young people to co-live and co-create a theatre play in 6 days at the Goetheanum

| Looking forward |

February Days!!! On digital technology and spirituality!
The Co-workers’ gathering in the Netherlands to celebrate and work together :)
All the smaller and interesting seminars that will happen at the Youth Section House!


I’m Gabriele Nys. I’m in a cold and snowy Dornach, Switzerland.
I’m part of the team of the Youth Section at the Goetheanum and here my main tasks are taking care of our dear Youth Section House as well as the organization of the International Students’ Conference.

| Looking back |

1. The co-workers Gathering in June; to have the YS House full of life and amazing people!
2. The February days on Social Threefolding at the Goetheanum (this was also the first event of the new team at the Goetheanum I’m just remembering!)
3. the International Youth Conference in Camphill in Scotland.

| Looking forward |

1. February Days on digital technology and spirituality, and the study of RS Leading thoughts leading up to this event.
2. Again, the youth conference in Camphill, this year in Northern Ireland!
3. And of course: the International Students’ Conference at the Goetheanum in April :)) here we hope to welcome about 600 students between 16-20 years old!
4. And I need a fourth one, the Co-workers Gathering in the Netherlands.


My name is Lasma. I work and live in Rīga, Latvia.

Youth work: Indaba training in July (7-13.07.) - Latvia; Youth training week in Germany (August). Social Threefolding "Conference" 2025 -LATVIA! Additionally, we have a new program called "13th Class" meeting every week and working mainly on discovering and strengthening "I".


We are Leonora and Naomi from YIP (Ytterjärna, Sweden).
Working with the Youth Initiative Program, a 10-month community education supporting 18-28-year-olds to find their authentic task in co-creating a more just and regenerative future. We are operating on three different levels; exploring global realities, cultivating inner awareness, and practicing collaborating beyond differences.

| Looking back |

In Spring we designed this year’s program, calling in the themes and questions that are alive in the world for youth today. we welcomed a new year of participants in August, coming from 12 nationalities and 2 weeks ago we opened applications for next year’s program!

| Looking forward |
Tomorrow we will host a ‘light festival’ welcoming the local community for an evening of candlelit installations and music and food in the snowy landscape! In February we will send the group off on international internships, where they will work within an organization working for positive social or ecological change for 5weeks. And in Spring we will wake up our garden again and begin planting and preparing for food to come!


I am Ilinca Manole, a tiny and short girl, but with big dreams and hopes for this world. I am from Romania.
Our youth work is related to discovering the world around and within us with the help of knowledge and art, music, theater and many other creative activities inspired by anthroposophy.

| Looking back |
Very significant were the meetings for the preparation of the Youth Section Co-workers Gathering in June 2023 and the event itself.

| Looking forward |
The future local work isn't fully planed, but when the ideas and initiatives will come to life it will be a very special moment for the Ys group in Romania.


I’m Yoeri Boschma and I am in the Netherlands. I am active in various study and reading groups for young people.

| Looking back and forward |
Last year I helped to arrange the Coworkers event at the Goetheanum and this coming year I am also part of the hosting team for the event in 2024, which will be in the Netherlands.


I am Juno, I have studied Biodynamic Agriculture at Warmonderhof in the Netherlands, that is also where I am right now. Currently I live in Amsterdam.
Our group is called "Next generation Biodynamics" we are focusing on the on the (Agriculture) conferences at Goetheanum to make this a more diverse happening. And also we are working on a survey to study why people work with Biodynamics. So that it becomes more clear which steps should be taken to make this movement grow.

| Looking back |
Building a survey is definitely the biggest thing we have been working on, an what we are very excited about! Also we talked a lot about the Goetheanum conference, the future and dived deeper into what we all feel and dream about. And how we will be able to shape this healthy future. It is so lovely to see you all here, together we can achieve so much!

| Looking forward |
We are looking forward to putting the survey out there! Which will be happening in these days! Then we can really start on getting a clearer view on how to let our movement grow. We look forward on meeting with one another. So that our motivation becomes even stronger!


I’m Martin Schwarz - I’m a Social Artist, Community Builder, Social Circus Pedagogue, and Simultaneous Translator and fascinated by individuals and organisations potential, how to find it and then go about achieving it. I’m in Hungary at a Joyful Leadership Training with a group of 36 young leaders and aspiring Leaders.
I’m part of the Future Shapers - The Future Shapers build bridges between young colleagues and activities in the field of Inclusive Social Development, Leadership and Community Building.

| Looking back |

1. The Future Shapers launched their first big worldwide gathering of young specialist in anthroposophical field
2. We finished the book «Camphill and the Future» by Dan McKanan and had celebrational last meeting with Dan himself. Participants had chance to ask questions and share their reflection on the book.
3. We helping to co-organise annual autumn conferences in Goetheanum from Anthroposophic Council For Inclusive Social Development.

| Looking forward |
1. Make our Future Shapers Circle group bigger, meaningful and helpful, supportive.
2. Make a small inclusive Conference for young adults with special needs (in organising team as well).
3. Build a sustainable financial support/funds for young specialists.


I am Tyler Hruby, currently living in Viroqua, Wisconsin, USA working as a fellow at Thoreau College.
Thoreau College is a microcollege based in a holistic approach to education, incorporating student self-governance, embodied environmental education, great books learning, and community.

| Looking back |
Last year, Thoreau College hosted a five-month spring semester program, a month-long field school program introducing a group of students to the culture and history of this region, and a Shakespeare festival.

| Looking forward |
Next year, we will be hosting a winter academic program studying the connection between environment and politics, two theater programs, as well as another fall semester program.


I’m Liia, founder of Inclusive center for curative/therapeutic education «Berdem». I’m in Kazan, Russia.
I’m a delegate from the Future Shapers team of Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development. We have a few projects and one of them is «Future Shapers Circle». I’m pretty sure that the aim and vision of the group very similar as here. Another project is a «Peace project ».


I’m Markus Birnthaler, living in Freiburg, Germany.
I am Setting up a YouTube channel to present initiatives and topics from young people. I have also organized some youth Events.

| Looking back |

Founding celebration of the Youth-Section in Germany. An anthroposophical youth group has been formed in Freiburg. Start of a Video Playlist for Young People.

| Looking Forward |
For new youth-projects to start the next hundred years:)


I’m Mahdalina and I am in Kyiv, Ukraine.

| Looking back |

For the last 6 months I was looking for and gathering Ukrainian youth, who might be interested in anthroposophy, for now most work is going on online, and we don't have a stable group or project. Happy to be here.
There were a reopening of our online group. We manage to take part in few general anthroposophical meetings.

| Looking forward |
We are looking for ways to organize a gathering in Ukraine, start a reading and to welcome new people.


I’m Begoña, living in Cambridge – UK.

I am involved with the UK+NI Youth Section - currently holding the space for any initiatives that want to come into being, but other than that not so active at this moment in time. Will be going to the Christmas conference so hoping to create and rekindle some connections.


I’m Stefan Ambrose and I’m from the Hudson Valley Region of New York State.
The North American Youth section is a national network of artists, teachers, crafts people and friends. We organize yearly anthroposophically inspired conferences and activities, online studies and youth initiatives. We especially find it important to come together in person to renew the spirit of community, representing the far reaches of our large country.

| Looking Back |
- The joyful graduation of the third Cohort of the M.C. Richards Program which I had the privilege to organize.
- Learning and sharing initiatives at Ruskin Mill Trust. Giving a talk about the work of the M.C. Richards program and the intersection between a practical Goethean approach to self development and where it intersects with will enabled artistic activity.
- Taking up a research followship at the Nature Institute focusing on local geology and articulating a ‘Biography of Place’ through the lens of clay.

| Looking Forward |

- Sharing the results of my research and practical workshops concerning a Goetheanistic, spirit based approach to geology and clay work.
- building a new kiln and mapping out a new educational initiative in conjunction with a Masters program through Ruskin Mill Trust.
- Connecting with other initiatives working at the intersection of Goetheanism and art pedagogy.


I’m Patricio from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

| Looking back |
The Youth Section here has created a training in Antroposophy for young people and is called Tatarupá.


I’m Ani, I’m in Georgia, village Matsevani, at our group's educational space.
Our youth group gathers 9 active members and 3 inactive members who live abroad for now. I would say our main goal is to plan, promote and implement educational and social initiatives for young people that carry an impulse for a healthy, creative, and vivid life. For now we are creating a community in the village: we have weekend school and youth seminar.

| Looking back |

1) The summer youth conference that we hosted at our place in Georgia was the definite highlight of last year. Seeing all these people from around the world gathered at one place and to be able to share with them our space and in which surroundings we do our work was amazing!
2) Starting our weekend school and seeing how our students are transforming into more free versions of themselves;
3) Coming to Dornach

| Looking forward |
1) Arranging our biodynamic garden and gathering youth group around this initiative;
2) Building workshop space to teach young people here how to work with wood and clay;
3) Hopefully coming to the Netherlands!


We are Baltasar and Lucero from the Youth Section in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In our group we meet physically once a week. We organize camps to work on different subjects (sexuality, technology, etc.). We also read sometimes and pursue artistic activities.

| Looking back |

This year we had a beautiful artistic festival for fund raising were we had music, paintings, eurythmy, rap, and a dance jam.
We also had some movie projections also to raise fund.
And it has been an electoral year here, so we felt the call for making a political debate, for sharing how we felt about that.
Also we sent one of us to Dornach in June!

| Looking forward |

We are planning a camp for working on the problematic use of cellphones and internet. It´s going to be in December 15th.
In March 2024 we are having a national youth gathering where we are hoping to make connections and inspire Young people for making their projects.
Now we want to go to the Netherlands!!!


I'm Em! I live in the US - I studied in Dornach last year, and now am finding my way back at home.
I am a part of the youth section of North America. We organize yearly gatherings, meet regularly for study and planning, and try to find each other in person as often as we can :)

| Looking back |

- many of us came together quite spontaneously in November to the Society annual conference, we made more connections with older folks in the society and kind of proved to ourselves that we can gather more than once a year even though we’re far away
- began bi-weekly calls that people actually showed up to! Usually like 12 or so!
- our summer event was a “gathering” this year, moving away from a conference form to centralizing the wisdom and knowledge of our own group, with a guiding question, “what is your work?”

| Looking forward |

- there seems to be a growing interest in global connection, folks are already planning on the ISC and Co-workers and Feb Days gatherings, and also work with the Youth Fund.
- outreach to Waldorf schools and groups in North America, we are hoping to be able to make friends with friends we just don’t know yet 🙂
- there’s a small glimmer of a new idea of setting up a kind of “mentorship” program for people within the anthro world. This is super new.