Honoring Florian Roger

Honoring Florian Roger

13 December 2023 1308 views

by Rebecca Debski

The Youth Section of Oceania would like to share with you the news that our dear brother Florian crossed the threshold in November.

Florian was vibrant, fun, energetic, and compassionate. He was a deep listener and could be very serious, but then he was also the first one to laugh at himself! He had such a cheeky laugh. Florian made people feel good about themselves. He had a way of pointing out beautiful things in other people even when they couldn’t see it themselves. When you spoke with him you felt heard.

Florian has been in the Youth Section of Oceania since it first began 2 years ago and he will be sorely missed but also joyfully celebrated! We know that he will continue to be a part of us and we have so many fun memories with him.

Florian has been living in New Zealand for the last 6 years and was originally from Saint-Malo, France. He was 33 years old. He was deeply interested in Anthroposophy and had a special interest in biodynamic farming and inner work.

Florian ended his own life. While it’s painful to think of how he must have suffered, we can also look at all the positive things Florian brought to the world, to the funny, playful individual that he was, and smile because we had the privilege of knowing him.

If you feel called to, please feel welcome to light a candle and send a warm thought or read a verse to Florian.

With Love,

Rebecca Debski