Empathy and Courage for Truth - (Re)flection

Empathy and Courage for Truth - (Re)flection

14 July 2020 711 views

by (Re)Searcher Rocio Ferrera

As I make the transcription of the call held in June, it appears like a puzzle to me. A puzzle created by many young people from different countries around the world, with different perspectives and backgrounds, of different ages and environments.

A question about change – the relation of inner and outer change – came to us and suddenly, everything was about relationships. The other. The diverse. Even everything that referred to oneself had finally to do with the others: “self-knowledge to heal each other”.

I could feel an impulse from the feeling of wanting strong interconnections between all the beings in the earth: “real interaction and then action”.

Looking back, I can highlight two main things: first, the impulse to overcome the walls that we face between ourselves and the others. Second, how connection would lead to action.

Is the real encounter that we long for during this quarantine situation connected with the fact that we have faced our own inner world so strongly, with the fact that this inner world is now becoming visible externally? Is this why we are once again feeling this disconnection between what lives within us and what takes place out there, in the world?

When looking at our conversation it seems like there is a golden key sleeping behind the landscape that we drafted. Would it be possible that our empathy for others lead us to the courage to do what is true for us?

Text: Rocio Ferrera. Part of the (Re)Search in Times of COVID-19 series of conversations held with youth from around the world.

Photo by Jorien Loman on Unsplash