#6Dnow: Concrete Human Responses to Climate Crises

#6Dnow: Concrete Human Responses to Climate Crises

11 September 2019 231 views

by Guillermo Scallan

Guillermo Scallan is Director of Social Innovation at Avina Foundation, the Advanced Innovation Centre, and Cultiva. He is a Waldorf teacher and co-founder of the Waldorf School Gabriela Mistral (Chile). Founder of the #6Dnow movement, which aims to kisckstart a worldwide chain of concrete human responses to climate crises on December 6 2019. Andrea de la Cruz is a team member of the Youth Section at the Goetheanum.

Andrea de la Cruz: How was the 6D movement born and what is its purpose?

Guillermo Scallan: The 6D movement is a concrete response to the climate crisis we are experiencing and to its origin. Human beings in the last centuries have generated a negative impact on the spiritual, the social and the environment. We are experiencing a deep crisis of meaning, we are in crisis in human relations and also in the relationship with the earth. Everything that we see outside today when we travel the planet has its origin within us, in the way in which we have conceived the different realms of nature, our development and our evolution. However, any circumstance, including that of a climate crisis which part of science now considers irreversible, can be transformed if we as human beings assume our responsibility and truly commit ourselves to generating the inner and outward changes that are needed. 6D is an invitation to unite on December 6, the date on which the most important climate change conference in the world is going to be held in Chile (COP 25), as humanity not in social networks, but in the most relevant chain of actions in history.

AdlC: What makes this movement unique, what is its spirit?

GS: In a paralysed humanity, the invitation to meet the 7,500 million inhabitants of the planet in action and from a will of restoring, is the possibility of bringing the forces of the future that we need to face the challenges that we have. It is also a way to say: here we are! This is what interests us! We understand that death outside has its origin in a deeper and invisible inner death, and here we are standing to face it. We come out of paralysis! This will surely lead the authorities gathered at COP 25 to represent the interests of an active humanity.

AdlC: Who is leading the movement?

GS: It was created by two organisations: Avina Foundation and the Cultiva Group

AdlC: What is already happening and how do you imagine the growth of the movement?

GS: Today there are more than 30 organizations participating and thousands of people around the world. The vision of the initiative is that every human being leads the 6D, and that it is a space to promote creativity and commitment. There are committed climate actions in the 5 continents already, ranging from planting native trees, cleaning beaches and parks, to recycling. But we also have many artistic and cultural manifestations that are being organized for that day. As a Waldorf teacher and an anthroposophist, I expect every Waldorf school in the world, anthroposophical clinics, biodynamic farms, cultural and artistic centers, every anthroposophist, youth and the Goetheanum to join the campaign and lead it in every corner of the planet... I am convinced that on December 6th we will achieve a great active strike!