Team at the Goetheanum
The Youth Section's team at the Goetheanum is made up of people from a variety of cultural and professional backgrounds. All of us are passionate about supporting young people who are actively questioning the role that their generation plays in the shaping of reality today and for the future.
Gabriele Nys (right) co-worker since September 2022, is 20 years old and grew up near Leuven, Belgium. She attended the Waldorf School De Zonnewijzer from kindergarten till graduation in June 2021. Over the past 5 years, Gabriele had the chance to participate in a broad range of (international) youth conferences and projects, such as CONNECT Project in Hamburg (2019), Bundesschülertagung (2019), OberlinImpuls choir conferences and autumn conference (2020 and 2021), International Youth Camp from the Christian Community (2021), Cantare (2022),… In 2019, she volunteered at the Connect Conference in Zeist. She was part of the team for the International Students’ Conference at the Goetheanum in 2021. Gabriele is part of the organizing team of the Junge Waldorf Philharmonie; an orchestra project for young people by young people. She moved to Dornach in the fall of 2021. Since September 2022, Gabriele is taking care of the Youth Section House and is a core member of the International Students' Conference 2024 team.
Nathaniel Williams leader since January 2023, is the co-founder of Free Columbia with Laura Summer. He studied visual art and marionette theatre in Basel, Switzerland, graduating with a certificate in visual art from the neueKUNSTschule in 2002. He also received a PhD in Political Theory from the University of Albany.
Jacinta Gorchs (left) co-worker since February 2022) is 23 years old and grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She attended the San Miguel Arcángel Waldorf School and in 2018 she took a gap year traveling around Europe where she participated in various anthroposophical initiatives and visited the Goetheanum for the first time. Back in Argentina in 2019, she went on to study Social Work at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). After her experience the year abroad, she decided to join the Anthroposophical Studies in Dornach from 2020 to 2021. She decided to enroll in the Rudolf Steiner Painting School the year after, and since August 2022 she is a student in the Waldorf Teachers Training (AfaP) in Dornach.